Decisions, decisions, decisions...

 Six months since my last post and pardon the cliche but as a band we are at a crossroad. Everything has been going great - we've played some killer shows since the CD was released and have been steadily growing the fan base and having a blast the whole time. We now find we need to make some decisions regarding the direction we want to take. On one hand we could lock ourselves in the studio and write another album. As fun as that sounds it would certainly put a damper on the momentum we've got going. On the other hand, we could continue booking shows and start playing more frequently with the summer right around the corner. That too sounds like tons of fun, however the peeps that have been with us the longest may grow weary of seeing the same show over and over. As much as we try to mix it up and throw in a new cover here and there, I could see where people may start to grow a little tired of it (as a fan I know I would). I have been adamant since the beginning of that we are not a cover band. Sure, throw a cover or two in for fun, but that's just not what this band is about.

 So where do we go from here? I suspect a happy medium of sorts. Although nothing is solidified yet there are some tentative dates coming up that we'll most likely be playing in the near future. Writing has already begun too - our first new song since we released "Tin Whiskers" is complete and ready to record. It's called "So Bad" and we played it live for the first time at our last gig at the Stanhope House. We also have another one in the works that I'm really excited about - it's called "Raggamuffin" and its one of those tunes that is really catchy and a lot of fun to play.

 I guess we'll just take it one step at a time and see what happens naturally. That's the thing about this band to me - we all get along great, have a lot of fun, and collectively we have the freedom to do whatever we want. There are no delusions of grandeur, no pressure to write hits or land a big fat record deal. We'll just keep doing what we love to do because its real, and that's what our peeps relate to, and in turn will be the keys to our success.

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