Decisions, decisions, decisions... 

 Six months since my last post and pardon the cliche but as a band we are at a crossroad. Everything has been going great - we've played some killer shows since the CD was released and have been steadily growing the fan base and having a blast the whole time. We now find we need to make some decisions regarding the direction we want to take. On one hand we could lock ourselves in the studio and write another album. As fun as that sounds it would certainly put a damper on the momentum we've got going. On…

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On the Cusp of Chapter 4 

  Welcome - with the launch of our new website comes a new blog.

  Maybe someday when I have some free time I'll write a post about the circumstances that led to Jimi and I meeting- I'll call it Chapter 1. Then I'll do the same for Chapter 2, explaining how we started writing the demos together in a rather unorthodox way. Next I'll post Chapter 3, the true birth of Bubba Grouch as a band and the process that got us to where we are right now.

  We are, on the cusp of a new chapter in the life of Bubba…

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